Fake Local Posts: Staffa and Such: Clive Feigenbaum

Just as the Sand Dune issues began to settle down around 1972-74 (see my previous post), the 1970s brought us the very uniform mini sheets of 8 from Staffa and other places ("State of Oman", Eynhallow, Dhufar, Nagaland, more). Surely, those were the work of one company. I had a block about 3 inches thick of these at one point, and I go back and forth between thinking they're trash and wondering how uncommon they might be now, almost half a century later. Most of these were from real islands in Scotland, and all of them would best be described as fake local post issues or just "labels". I think the description at Conchology.be covers the bases: "These stamps are entrepreneurial labels with no carriage or postal validity and should therefore be classified as BOGUS." I honestly don't know how collectors can look at these and think they are real postage stamps. Don't we all have thousands of real stamps to compare them to? They look unfini...