German Briefzentrums

As a collector of postmarks, it has been sad seeing them get consolidated and trivialized in the modern era. It used to be, every office had its own postmark and we could recognize exactly where the mail came from. Sure, some of the early postmarks were just numbers, but for over a century there were clear town/date cancels with enough variety of design to make them collectible on their own. With computers came inkjet cancels, metered mail, vended postage labels and more. And the postal services of many countries setup efficient networks of processing centers. In Germany, they set up 99 of these "briefzentrums" (literally "brief" is mail and "zentrum" is center), and the postmarks went from thousands of towns and cities to just Briefzentrum 01 to Briefzentrum 99. I figured I would have to go to the Deutsche Post website to find some official document about exactly where the centers are, but this Wikipedia article beat me to it. Not only does it have ...