Stamps for Crafting?

I have seen some spectacular stamp art on walls at stamp shows over the years, where artists have cut and pasted thousands of stamps to make images. My reactions to it are complex. First, there's admiration for the work that went into it. Then there is some annoyance that our cherished collectibles have been trivialized or treated like things of no value to be cut up and glued. Then again, if they are common junk stamps, why not? They could either sit in envelopes in boxes in closets, never seeing the light of day, or they can be used for art and craft projects, presented in clever new ways, given some kind of purpose again. There are a lot of sellers on eBay, Etsy, and HipStamp who sell bulk stamps specifically to be used for crafting purposes. It might be 100 red queens or a mix of 50 green stamps from all over the world. Sometimes, these are little packets of better stamps, like cartoon character commemoratives from Japan, you name it. ...