Classic Red Albums

As you handle stamp collections and estates over the years, you will surely come across the classic red global albums like this one: These were printed by Scott Publications in 1940, and had enough spaces for a beginning collector to put their stamps way back then. There were far fewer actual stamps to choose from. I think Ireland only had about 100 stamps at the time. Still, there is now way they could print one space for every known stamp. A collector at this level is unlikely to have any stamps that list for over $5, but even excluding the more costly items, there would still be way more stamps than they could print spaces for. So each page has a few blank spaces. As a kid, I had a similar album, and even though I couldn't afford a lot of stamps, I found all those illustrations fascinating, all those people and castles I had never heard of. All those little bits I had never seen yet. I was always looking up the history of the countries, or bi...