Germany Definitives: Flowers 2005-2019

You may have noticed a ton of attractive flower definitives in any recent mixture from Germany. The series starts in 2005, where the Scott catalog has 18 sheet stams and 4 coils (#2307-2326B). I recent got a few ounces of just these stamps off paper and was surprised how many values there are. The second series (#2404-2423A) has 12 sheet stamps and 9 self-adhesives. Throughout the series, since these are all in euros, the conversion to US dollar catalog values is about $1.80 per euro. Germany continued to issue a few new values in this set every year, for any changes to postal rates, through at least 2019 when my catalog ends. It's a very colorful set which has a lot more to see than I initially thought. I will fill some stock pages with these and see if anyone is interested. I have other stock pages planned that are just the high values from the past 40 years (over 200pf or €1). This would be more of a pure catalog value discount dump si...