Bremen #15 - needs a cert?
Here's the perfect follow-up to yesterday's post ... the very next stamp in the catalog. Bremen #15. Germany Bremen #15 used – the classic 5-silbergroschen key design. 2021 catalog value $3750.00. A user posted some feedback about it: "This item looks to be yellow green. Also, the right edge has been trimmed and reperfed. I would suggest to have this item certified." Eagle eyes. I would have to agree on the color, but I don't have specialist catalogs for this. Well, I do have an old Michel specialized catalog, but the choice remains: post a generic Scott value that's up to date, or a more specific identification with a prices that's 25 years old. As for the reperfed right else, it does look like the perfs are a bit too clean and shaped a bit differently. I'm not sure the reason we would pay $20 or $30 (or whatever it costs these days) to get a certificate that points out damage I didn't see when I looked at it. I agree that these high-priced s...