Jan 19 Box Lot - the two big binders

One binder caught my eye before I even bought the box, a big reason why I got it.  It started with about 10 pages of mostly USA Christmas seals, starting with 1917 to 1930 and some postal stationery versions I have never seen before.  Will go in a folder for $15.

Then about 15 pages of Costa Rica with some good early issues: will go in a folder for $20.

Then 15 pages of early Bulgaria.  Good selection but the prices are always disappointing.  Goes in a folder for $10.

Finally, 20+ pages of Germany, mostly Berlin issues with pages of semipostals with 2-3 of almost every issue.  Starting with the transitional early issues with 5N, 6N, 8N numbers.  I pulled about $80 in sets/singles, moved the under-collection to some stock pages, and still have essentially full pages to go into a folder for $25.  And more stock pages to fill, probably $15 for those in the end.

What's left?  About a 3-inch-thick stack of manila stockpages packed with common stuff.  I'm sure I can find some items in those, maybe reduce the rest to some mixtures in baggies.  And one other binder, I forget what was in that one, but it wasn't junk.


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